NEW Kawai GL-30 Classic Grand Piano

This beautiful new piano is brought to you by Kawai Piano Gallery and is currently on display in our showroom. Stop by for a visit at 17 Sherington Drive A, Bluffton.

KAWAI GL-30 Kawai GL-30 Classic Grand Piano

The most distinctive feature of the 5'5" GL-30 Classic Grand is its flexible size that is substantially larger than a baby grand piano, but not quite as large as the traditional classic grand. This intermediate size allows it to adapt easily to a wide range of home, studio or institutional spaces. Regardless of venue, the GL-30 is an instrument of outstanding quality that will always provide a level of tone and touch worthy of GL Series, MMR Magazine's 2016 "Product of the Year."

Sale Price includes sales tax.

Complimentary delivery in local service area, and 2 free tunings within 12 months of purchase of this particular piano.





The GL-30 grand piano is a piano that will surprise you. Its 5′ 5″ frame is smaller than a traditional “classic grand.” But the GL-30 was a piano built to exceed expectations. A valuable model in the celebrated GL Series line of grand pianos (that was named Global Music Industry “Product of the Year” by MMR Magazine in 2016), the GL-30 is a high-quality instrument with a superb range of tonal expressiveness. It features the revolutionary Millennium III Grand Action with Carbon Fiber Composites that provide the player with sensitive and consistent touch year after year. In a flexible size that adapts admirably to a wide range of performance spaces, the GL-30 will outperform any comparable grand piano.


Kawai GL-30 Grand Piano Dimensions
Kawai GL-30 Grand Piano Dimensions

Call for an appointment!

Monday-Friday 12-5pm
Closed Sunday for Worship

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